美国习惯用语 as American as apple pie和hot potato
Words & Idioms
as American as apple pie
hot potato
美国人很喜欢吃 apple pie。 Apple pie 是一种用烤箱制作的甜点心,它的外面是一层面粉, 里面是用苹果做的馅儿。中文有时把 apple pie 翻成“苹果排”。美国人喜爱吃 apple pie 是他 们刚从欧洲移居到美洲来以后就开始了。每个家庭主妇都经常做苹果排。为了说明 apple pie 是美国生活的一个特点,人们常说: “As American as apple pie.” 这句话的意思是:就像苹果排 一样具有美国特色。下面就是一个例子:
例句-1: “So many Asian restaurants have opened up in Washington that a writer on a daily paper here jokes that dim sum, Japanese sushi and Vietnamese spring rolls have become as American as applied pie.”
美国人和其他各民族一样具有很多特色。除了爱吃 applied pie 以外,美国人有一个很突出的 特点就是,他们非常喜爱运动,特别是球赛。许多大学都愿意录取好的运动员,给他们奖学 金,但是他们得在念书的同时花好多时间练球,参加比赛,为学校争光。美国人喜爱球赛是有历史根源的,因为有些球类运动都是起源于美国。下面这个例子就说明了这一点:
例句-2: “Football and baseball are as American as apple pie as they were invented by Americans and played and watched everywhere in this country. Many people would glue to their TV sets whenever there are major competitions.”
他说:“橄榄球和棒球是美国式的运动,因为它们是美国人发明的,全国各地都有人打这种球或看这类球赛。每当有重大比赛时,许多人就坐在电视机前不肯动了。” 美国人也很喜欢吃土豆,特别是刚从烤箱里拿出来的一个个热气腾腾的土豆。
下面我们要介绍的一个俗语是: hot potato。大家都知道 hot的意思是热或烫。 Potato 就是土豆。热的土豆固然好吃,但是它会烫你的手,你会想法马上甩掉的。 Hot potato 作为俗语,它的意思就是一个争论很激烈的问题,没有一个人愿意为它承担责任。例如:
例句-3: “The question of whether to raise taxes to cut the budget deficit is a real hot potato for a lot of politicians.”
例句-4: “If I were you, I’d drop that client like a hot potato; he’s always suing somebody for something, but he usually loses and he doesn’t pay his lawyer’s bills.”
Words & Idioms
to put all his eggs in one basket
to eat crow
鸡蛋也是一些美国俗语的组成部份。要是一个人把他所有的钱都当作赌注,想冒险发财,这 在中文里是“孤注一掷”,在英文里就是: to put all his eggs in one basket。 Eggs 就是鸡蛋, one basket 就是一只篮子。 To put all his eggs in one basket 的意思就是把所有的鸡蛋放在一只篮子里,这样是很冒险的。我们来举个例子:
例句-1: “If you want to play the stock market, it’s smarter to divide your money and buy three or four different stocks instead of putting the whole amount into just one stock and putting all your eggs in one basket.”
To put all your eggs in one basket 不仅可以用在经济方面,它还可以用在其他方面。下面这句 句子就是一个例子:
例句-2: “Going steady in high school with only one member of opposite sex is a mistake. Go out with several people — don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”
这是说:“在中学里只交一个男朋友,或一个女朋友,那是错误的。应该多交朋友,而不要把自己局限在一个人身上。” 乌鸦是人们都讨厌的鸟,它又大又黑,叫的声音既粗又难听。乌鸦的肉也老得没法吃。可是,有一个美国俗语偏偏就是“吃乌鸦”: to eat crow。 Eat 就是吃,crow 就是乌鸦。乌鸦肉根本是没法吃的,因此要一个人吃乌鸦,那肯定是非常难受的。这也正是 to eat crow 这个俗语的意思。To eat crow 的确切意思是一个人把自己弄得很丢脸,因为他犯了一个很难堪的错误,而又不得不承认。也许举个例子能够更好地说明 to eat crow 的意思:
例句-3: “That man running for mayor went around bragging he’d win the election by a big 50,000 majority. But he had to eat crow when the woman running against him won by more than 60,000 votes.”
这句话的意思是:“那个竞选市长的人到处吹嘘说他肯定能得到大多数选民的拥护,以五万张选票当选市长。可是,现在他很丢脸,因为那位和他一起竞选的女候选人最后获得六万多张 选票而当选市长。”
例句-4: “Our neighbor had to eat crow yesterday. He’s been telling us what a good tennis player he is. Well, he took my 12-year-old son out to play and the kid beat him three straight sets.”
Words & Idioms
monkey business
to make a monkey out of somebody
当别人提到猴子的时候,你脑子里会出现一个什么形象呢?一般来说,人们认为猴子是一个 很聪敏的动物,大家都喜欢观察它们,这是因为猴子的行动往往跟人很像。它们也确实和人 一样有的时候很调皮、爱耍花招。美国的成语和俗语也反应了猴子的这些特点。今天我们要 讲的两个习惯用语就是和猴子的特性有关的。我们要介绍的第一个俗语就是:monkey business。Monkey 就是猴子的意思,business 是指做生意或办什么事。但是 monkey和 business 两个字合在一起用的时候,它们的意思就变了。Monkey business 是指不道德或不 合法的行为,往往是偷偷摸摸和具有欺骗性的行为,例如盗用公款等。下面我们来举一个例子:
例句-1: “The newspapers say there’s a lot of monkey business going on at city hall, with officials getting money under the table from people who want the contract to build the new airport.”
Monkey business 不一定指当官的人贪污腐化,一般人当中也可能出现不轨行为,下面这个人 说的就是一个例子:
例句-2: “I think there’s some kind of monkey business going on in that house across the street. People going in and out all day long; maybe they’re selling drugs or something.”
下面我们要讲的一个和 monkey 有关的俗语是 to make a monkey out of somebody. Somebody 是指某个人。To make a monkey out of somebody 这个俗语的意思是:把某人弄得好像一个傻瓜一样。下面我们来举一个例子:
例句-3: “My friend Pete made a monkey out of me the other day. He told me the party Saturday night was formal, so I wore a suit and tie. But everybody else there was wearing a tee-shirt and blue jeans. It sure made me feel like a fool.”
这个人说:“我的朋友皮特那天真把我弄得像个傻瓜一样。他告诉我星期六晚上的聚会是很正式的,所以我就穿上西装,戴上领带。可是其他人都穿园领衫和牛仔库。我真感到自己好像 是个傻瓜一样。”
例句-4: “Tom made a monkey out of himself by jumping up and down and yelling when his father wouldn’t let him go to the movie.”
Words & Idioms
hot seat
hot and bothered
美国人在日常生活中经常用 hot 这个字,例如 hot potato, hot dog, hot number, hot rod 等等。它们有的时候代表好的、正面的意思,但有一些则具有反面的意思。今天我们要介绍两个和 hot 这个字有关的习惯用语。第一个是:hot seat。
大家都已经知道 hot 这个字是热的意思,seat 就是座位. Hot seat 这个俗语从字面上来解释就是那个座位很热,或很烫。但是,它的真正意思却并非如此。大家都知道,有些国家在处决那些被判死刑的犯人时不是用枪决的方式,而是让犯人坐在一张可以通电的椅子上,把他电死的。以前,人们就是把犯人坐的那张椅子叫做 hot seat。可是,美国好些州现在都已经废除了死刑。Hot seat 这个俗语的意思也有所改变。现在,hot seat 这个俗语指的是那种可能会产生麻烦,或让人感到难堪的局面。请听下面这个例子:
例句-1: “I thought it would be fun to judge the high school beauty contest. Instead I ended up on the hot seat. When we picked the winner, I made one girl happy and nineteen others mad at me.”
这个人说:“我原先以为参加中学生美女评选是一件很有趣的事。可是,结果弄得我很为难。我们选出了一个冠军,这样,只有一个女孩是高兴的,另外十九个都生我们的气。” 我们再举个例子:
例句-2: “If you’re mayor of a big city these days, you’re sitting in the hot seat — it’s hard to make voters happy when you don’t have the money in the budget to give them all the things they expect.”
下面我们要给大家介绍的一个俗语也是和 hot 这个字有关的。 这个俗语就是 hot and bothered。 Hot and bothered 的意思是一个人由于某件事而感到很激动、担忧或者很生气。一个简单的例子就是:
例句-3: “Nancy was all hot and bothered when her boyfriend showed up two hours late to take her to the party.”
这个人说:“南希和她的男朋友约好了一起去参加一个聚会。可是,南希等呀等,她的男朋友晚了两个小时才来接她。南希可真是既生气,又担心。” 一个丈夫做完了晚饭,把厨房弄得一塌糊涂。这时,他对他的妻子说:
例句-4: “Please don’t get hot and bothered about all these dirty pans and dishes, honey. After dinner you just sit down and relax and watch TV, and let me clean up the kitchen.”