刘毅词汇10000学习笔记 lesson 2(1)
1、absolve(vt) ~ sb from/of sth 开脱某人(的罪责),宣布免除某人(所受的责难)
The court absolved the accused man。法官判决被告无罪。
★ exonerate(vt)(尤用于被动语态)宣布某人无罪过 ~ sb from sth
He was exonerated from all responsibility for the accident。已确定他无须对事务负任何责任。
He is without bias。他没有偏见
★ prejudice(n)偏见,成见
3、contend(vi) ~ with/against sb/sth ~ for sth 与竞争对手争夺,与谈人争夺
Several teams are contending for the prize。有几个队在争夺锦标。
★ compete(vi) ~ against/with sb/in sth/for sth 竞争、对抗、比赛
a house that has competed in the Grand National four times。参加过4次“英国大赛马”的马
She deplored his actions。她谴责他令人愤慨的行为
◎ deplorable(adj)应受谴责的
★ lament(v) ~ for/over sb/sth 为某人(某事物)感到悲痛,哀悼
lament for a dead friend 哀悼亡友
a fracture of leg 腿部骨折
★ shatter(vi)使某物突然而剧烈的裂成碎片,粉碎
The pot shattered as it hit the floor。罐子掉在地板上摔割粉碎。
The magnitude of the epidemic was frightening。这种流行病传播范围之广令人惊惶不安。
★ bulk(n)体积,数量,容量
(喻)the pith of sth 最重要的部分,精髓
★ essence(n)本质,精髓,要素
She was the essence of kindness。她本性善良。
8、relish(n) ~ for sth (美食等的)享受,滋味;美味,乐趣;兴趣,吸引力,感染力
She savoured the joke with relish。她对这个笑话很感兴趣。
★ zest(n) ~ for sth 极大的快乐或兴奋;热情,兴趣
He entered into our plans with terrific zest。他满腔热情的参加了我们的项目。
9、sneak(v) ~ on sb to sb (贬,尤为儿童用语)告状,打小报告
She sneaked on her best friend to the teacher。她向老师告了她最好的朋友一状
★ lurk(v)埋伏,潜伏;隐藏,隐匿
He‘s usually lurking near the bar 他通常出没在酒吧附近。
Have you heard the good tidings?你听到那个好消息了么?
★ information(n)信息,消息
刘毅词汇10000学习笔记 lesson 2(2)
1 aghast(adj)(尤作表语) ~ at sth 惊恐,惊奇
He stood aghast at the terrible sight。他被那可怕的景象吓呆了。
★ astonished(adj)(通常做表语)感到惊讶,吃惊
She looked astonished when she heard the news。她听到那消息时显得很吃惊。
◎ astonishing(adj)使人惊讶的,惊人的
I find it quite astonishing that none of you like the play。我感到惊讶的是你们谁都不喜欢那个剧目。
There was an astonishing number of applicants of the job。申请这份工作的人数多的惊人。
The news astonished everyone。这个消息使大家感到吃惊。
We could not cumber our thought with his reproaches。我们不会因为他的谴责而妨碍我们的想法。
★ hinder(vt) ~ sth/sb from sth/doing sth 阻碍,妨碍某人某事物的进展,阻挠或耽误某人某事物。
Production was hindered by lack of materials。由于缺乏原料,生产陷入停顿。
The governor decreed a day of mourning。地方长官发布哀悼一日的命令。
Fate decreed that they would not meet again。他们受命运的安排再也不能相会。
★ determine(v)确定某事物,决定;测定,找出(某未知事物),算出;决定做某事 ~ on/upon sth
determine a date for a meeting 确定会议日期
determine exactly what happened 查出究竟发生了什么事
4、frolic(vi)(pt、pp frolicked) ~ about 嬉戏
Children frolicked about in the swimming-pool。孩子们在游泳池里嬉戏。
★ frisk(vi)(指动物)欢快的跳跑
Lambs frisked about in the meadow。小羊在草地上蹦来蹦去。
5、intercourse(n) ~ with sb ~ between sb and sb (与国家,人等的)交际,交往
★ relation(n)关系,关联 ~ between A and B
6、menace(n)威胁,恐吓;~ to sb/sth 进行威胁恐吓的人
These weapons are a menace to world peace。这些武器就是对世界和平的一种威胁。
★ intimidated(vt) ~ sb into sth/ into sth 恐吓、威胁某人做某事
intimidate a witness 恐吓目击证人。
The country’s economy was on the edge of the precipice。该国的经济已处于崩溃边缘。
★ cliff(n)悬崖,峭壁(尤指在海边的)
★ shrine(n)神圣的地方和处所,圣坛
9、sprout(vi) ~ out/up from sth 长出来,出现,发芽,萌芽
new buds sprouting on the trees。树上长出的新芽
★ grow(v)生长,长大
10、tread(pt trod pp trodden) ~ on sth/sb 踩,行走,踏
She trod lightly so as to not to wake the baby。她走路很清,以免影响孩子。
★ trample(n)踩坏或踩伤某物
The campers had trampled the corn down。野蛮的人踩坏了庄稼
刘毅词汇10000学习笔记 lesson 2(3)
1、ammunition(n)supply of bullets bombs grenades 弹药;用于争论中的事实和论据
The had to meet the attack with very little ammunition。他们不得不以极少的弹药应战。
★ bullet(n)子弹
He was killed by a single bullet in the heart。他被射中心脏身亡。
a doting mother 宠爱孩子的母亲
◎ dote(vi) ~ on sb/sth 喜爱、溺爱某人某事物
She dotes on her grandchildren。她十分钟爱她的孙儿女。grandchildren。她十分钟爱她的孙儿女。
★fond(adj)(做定语)慈爱的,深情的;(表语) ~ of sb/doing sth 喜爱某人,喜爱做某事
a fond look 申请的目光
◎ fondly 亲爱的,温柔的
◎ fondness(n) ~ for sb/sth 喜爱,深情
His fondness for his eldest grandchild。他对长孙的钟爱
an engrossing story 引人入胜的故事
★ absorb(vt)吸收某事物,吸进;将某物某人合并,并吞;减轻(冲击、困难等的)作用或影响;完全吸引某人的注意力或兴趣
Buffers absorbed most of the shock。缓冲器使震动减少了许多。
His business absorbs him。他专心致志的处理业务。
◎ absorbing(adj)十分吸引人的
◎ absorbent(n)能吸收水分等的物质
★ adsorb(vt)(常指固体)吸附气体或液体至其表面
4、gush(vi)~ out from sth (突然大量的)流出,涌出,泻出; ~ over sb/sth (贬)滔滔不绝的说,过分热心的说
(n)(尤做单数)涌出 a gush of
★ flow(vi)指液体流动
His tears flow freely down her face。他眼泪止不住顺着脸颊往下流
★ unconquerable(adj)(障碍)难以克服的,难以征服的
The hostages went through a dreadful ordeal。每个人质都经历了可怕的折磨。
★ trial(n)审问、审讯、审理、审判;对能力、质量、性能能的测试,试验,考验;(不得不容忍的)讨厌的人或事物
Commit sb for trial 将某人拘禁候审
Put a car through safety trials。对汽车进行安全性能测验
Her child is a trial to his teachers。她的孩子让老师很伤脑筋
(词组)go on trial 或 stand trial for sth 受审判
She went on trial for murder。她因涉嫌谋杀罪而受审。
(词组)on trial 在试验中,在测试中
Take the machine on trial for a week,把机器试验一星期
(词组)put sb on trial for sth 使某人被控告而受审
She was put on trial for fraud 她因诈骗罪而受审
(习语)trial and error 反复试验,从中找出失败的解决办法
learn by trial and error 通过反复试验学习
wear a dress pouched over a belt。穿着腰带上方蓬松的连衣裙
★ sack(n)大口袋(用以存放或装运水泥、煤、面粉、马铃薯)
◎ sackful(n)一袋的量 two sackfuls of flour 两袋面粉
8、screech(vi,vt) ~ (sth )(out)at sb 尖叫,尖声喊出;(n)尖利刺耳的声音
She screeched insults at us 她尖着嗓子骂我们。
★ shriek(vi) ~ with sth 尖声大叫,激动的尖叫
★ height(n)高度,身高
Badgers had undermined the foundations of the church。獾在这座教堂的地基处打了洞。
★ erode(vt)(尤用于被动语态)(指酸、雨、风等)侵蚀或腐蚀
Metals are eroded by acids 金属能北酸腐蚀。
刘毅词汇10000学习笔记 lesson 2(4)
1、assess:(vt)确定,评定(某数额) ~ sth at sth;确定,评定(某事物)的价值,估价;估计、评定某事物的质量 ~ sth as sth
assess the damage at ¥350 评定损害赔偿金为350元
have a house assessed by a valuer 由估价者给房子估价
I’d assess your chance as extremely low。我估计你成功的机会极微。
◎ assessment(n)确定,评定;评价,看法;核定的付款额
◎ assessor(n)估价员,评税员
★ appraise:(vt)assess the value or quality of sb/sth 评价,估价,鉴定
It would be unwise to buy the house before having it appraised。买房子不事先估价是不明智的。
◎ appraisal(n)评价,估价,鉴定
chamber concert 室内音乐会
★ room(n)房间,室;(pl)一套房间(通常指租的),寓所;机会,范围,余地 ~ for sth
There’s plenty of room for improvement in your work 你的工作还有很多改进的余地
◎ roomful(a)一室所能容纳的数量,一屋子的
◎ roomy(adj)宽敞的
(习语)There’s no room to swing a cat。这地方过于狭小。
3、 disdain(v)feeling that sb is not good enough 鄙视、轻视,蔑视
Treat other people’s idea with desdain。蔑视别人的意见
★ despise(vt) ~ sb/sth for sth 鄙视、藐视、看不起
Strike-breakers are often despised by their workmates。破坏罢工的人常为同事所不齿
4、 espy(vt)(旧)看到某人某事物
Was it you I espied jogging in the park this morning?我今天早上看到有个人在公园里慢跑,是你么?
5、 gloss(n)平滑表面上的光泽或光亮;用以产生光泽的物质;(比喻)虚假的外表,虚饰
(v)~ over sth 简略的、浮皮潦草的或敷衍的处理某事(以求避开难堪)
With this polish you can give a good high gloss to the wood。使用这种光蜡可以使木器表面非常平滑光亮
gloss paint 清漆
gloss over the awkward facts 掩饰令人尴尬的事实
◎ glossy(adj)光滑的,光亮的
★ sleek(adj)smooth and glossy 光滑而有光泽的;(贬)指人保养的很好的,脑满肠肥的;时髦的
★ doorman(n)看门人
7、packet(n)(美式英语常作 package)包装商品的小盒、小袋
★ parcel(n)指包起来(常指用牛皮纸)邮寄的物品
★ lectern(n)(台面倾斜用于放讲稿的)讲台,(教堂用的)读经台
The meet will scorch if you don’t lower the gas 如果你不把煤气关小点肉就糊了。
★ singe(vi)烧焦,烧糊
The crowd surged into the stadium。观众涌入体育场。
★ rise(v)上升,达到
★ implement(n)工具,器具;(v)使事物生效、履行、实施
刘毅词汇10000学习笔记 lesson 2(5)
★ dagger(n)短剑、匕首
(习语)at daggers drawn with sb 与某人剑拔弩张
look daggers at sb 对某人怒目而视
2、compassion(n) ~ for sb 同情,怜悯
The plight of the refugees arouses our compassion。难民的困苦引起我们的同情
◎ compassionate(adj)表示怜悯的,有同情心的
★ sympathy(n) ~ for/towards sb 同情,同情心;(pl)慰问,(感情上的)支持,赞同
Out of sympathy for the homeless children,he gave them shelter for the night。他怀着恻隐之心留那些无家可归的孩子过夜。
You have my deepest sympathies on the death of your wife。对于令夫人的去世,谨向您表示最深切的慰问。
She was detained in the office by unexpected callers。有些临时访客把她耽搁到办公室里了。
◎ detainee(n)被拘留者
★ retard(vt)使某物放缓或延迟;阻止某人某事物的进步和发展
retard the spark of an engine 使点火延迟
Lack of sun retards plant growth。光照不足则植物生长缓慢
◎ retarded(adj)身体或(尤指)精神发育迟缓的,智力迟钝的
rival factions within the party 党内的对立派别
★ clique(n)小集团,派系、朋党
The club is dominated by a small clique of intellectuals。这俱乐部被知识分子小集团把持着
Add orange paint to get a warmer hue。
★ color(色彩,颜色)
Brave deeds adding luster ot one’s name。使自己扬名增光的英勇业绩。
★ shimmer (vi)发闪烁的微光
The surface of the road shimmered in the heat of the sun
7、persevere(vi) ~ at/in/with sth ~ with sb (褒)坚持做某事(尤指不畏困难)
You’ll need to persevere if you want the business to succeed。要想事业成功,就要持之以恒
◎ perseverance(n)坚持不懈,持之以恒
★ persist(vi) ~ in sth 坚持,执意
He will persist in riding that dreadful bicycle。他执意要骑那辆破自行车。
8、rave(vi) ~ at/against/about sb 胡言乱语,说胡话,说疯话
The patient began to rave incoherently at the nurse。病人对护士说起胡话来。
★ effervesce(vi)(指液体)释放出气泡,咝咝起泡了
soldiers slain in battle 在战斗中被杀害的士兵
★ kill(vt)致死,杀死,扼杀;使某事物失败,遭拒绝
The guard was killed with a high-powered rifle。那士兵被杀伤力大的火枪击毙了。
Take two of the tablets three times daily after meal。每日三次,每次两片,饭后服用
★ pill(n)药丸
He has to take six pills a day until the recovers 他每天要福6粒药丸直到痊愈。
the voluptuous enjoyment of a hot bath 热水浴的舒适享受
★ sensuous(adj)刺激感官的,感觉官能的
the sensuous appeal of her painting 她的画使人赏心悦目。