裕兴新概念英语第一册笔记 Lesson 20

裕兴新概念英语第一册笔记 Lesson 20

裕兴新概念英语第一册笔记 Lesson 20 Look at them ! 


New words and expressions

big              adj.大的

small             adj.小的

open             adj.开着的

shut             adj.关着的

light             adj.轻的

heavy             adj.重的

long             adj.长的

shoe             n.鞋子

grandfather     n.祖父,外祖父

grandmother     n.祖母,外祖母



1)   外形比较大

  1. There is a big box on the floor. 地板上有一个大箱子。


  1. Deng Xiaoping is a big man. 邓小平是一个伟大的人物。

small       体积小

little  (感情色彩)小

a small room

a little girl (带有喜欢,喜爱之情)


1) adj. 开着的

  1. The shop is open. 商店开业了。
  2. The door is open. 门开了。

2)v. 开,打开

open the door      打开门

open the window   打开窗


1) adj. 关着的    = closed

  1. The door is closed.
  2. The door is shut.
  3. The window is shut.
  4. The window is closed.

2)v. 关上 = close

shut the door

close the door

shut the window

close the window

Shut up! 闭嘴


1) adj. 轻的

  1. The box is so light that I can lift it by myself.


a light sleeper   睡觉比较轻的人

light punishment  比较轻的处罚

2)n. 灯

turn on the light    开灯

turn off the light   关灯

heavy     adj重的

  1. Is the desk heavy? 书桌很重吗?
  2. The book isn’t heavy. 这本书不重。

heavy smoker    吸烟比较多的人

heavy drinker   喝酒比较多的人

heavy hearted   心事重重的,伤心的

long   adj.长的  (反) short

shoe  鞋子 shoes(复)

grandfather  祖父,外祖父

grandmother  祖母,外祖母

grandson 孙子,外孙

granddaughter 孙女, 外孙女


Exercise A

Complete these sentences using am, is or are,


Those children are thirsty.

  1. Those children are tired.
  2. Their mother is tired, too.
  3. That ice cream man is very busy.
  4. His ice creams are very nice.
  5. What’s the matter, children?

We are thirsty.

  1. What’s the matter, Tim?

I am tired.


They’re clean.     They’re dirty.

They’re hot.        They’re cold.

They’re fat.        They’re thin.

They’re big.        They’re small.

They’re open.      They’re shut.

They’re light.     They’re heavy.

They’re old.        They’re young.

They’re old.        They’re new.

They’re short.     They’re tall.

They’re short.     They’re long.


Exercise B


his shoes/(dirty) /clean

Are his shoes dirty or clean?

They’re not dirty. They are clean.

  1. the children! (tired) /thirsty

Are the children tired or thirsty?

They’re not tired.  They’re thirsty.

2.the hairdressers/ (thin) /fat

Are the hairdressers thin or fat?

They’re not thin. They’re fat.

  1. the shops/(shut) /open

Are these shops shut or open?

They’re not shut. They’re open.

  1. his cases /(heavy)/light

Are his cases heavy or light?

They’re not heavy. They’re light.

  1. his trousers /(short) /long

Are his trousers short or long?

They’re not short. They’re long.


小结: Numbers

hundred   百

thousand   千

100     one hundred

200     two hundred

300     three hundred

1,000   one thousand

2,000         two thousand

3,000         three thousand

1,430         one thousand four hundred and thirty

6,020         six thousand and twenty

1,010         one thousand and ten

7,001         seven thousand and one

8,701         eight thousand seven hundred and one

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