新概念英语1 Lesson 8 What’s your job?

新概念英语1 Lesson 8 What's your job? 1

Lesson 8 What’s your job?

New words and expressions

policeman           n.善察

policewoman        n.女善察

taxi driver        n.出租车司机

air hostess        n.空中小姐

postman             n.邮递员

nurse               n.护士

doctor              n.医生

mechanic            n.机械师

hairdresser        n.理发师

housewife           n.家庭妇女

milkman                n.送牛奶的人

policeman   男警察

police + man

— What’s your job?

— I am a policeman.

policewoman   女警察

police + woman

—What is her job?

—She is a policewoman.

taxi driver  出租车司机


—What is your father’s job?

—He is a taxi driver.

drive v.驾驶

drive a taxi/drive a bus/drive a car

air hostess  空中小姐

air(空气)+ hostess(女主人)

—What is your sister’s job?

—She is an air hostess.

postman  邮递员

post(n.邮件 V.邮寄)+ man

mail e-mail

  1. This is your post.
  2. post a letter

—Are you a postman?  (Are you a postman, too?)

nurse       n.护士

doctor  n.医生

—Is she a nurse?

—No, she isn’t. She is a doctor.

mechanic    n.机械师

  1. Her brother is not a mechanic.

hairdresser  n.理发师

  1. Mr. Blake is not a hairdresser, either.

housewife   n.家庭主妇

house(房子)+ wife(妻子)

  1. His mother is a housewife.

housework    家务活

do housework 做家务

  1. The housewife is doing housework.

milkman  送牛奶的人


— What’s Tom’s job?

Is he a milkman, too?

— No, he isn’t. He is a postman.

Exercise A

  1. My name is Robert. I am a student. I am Italian.
  2. Sophie is not Italian. She is French.
  3. Mr. Blake is my teacher. He is not French.



keyboard operator

—What’s her job?  Is she a keyboard operator?

—Yes, she is.  No, she isn’t.

  1. policeman

—What’s his job?   Is he a policeman?

—Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

  1. air hostess

—What’s her job?   Is she an air hostess?

— Yes, she is.   No, she isn’t.

  1. nurse

—What’s her job?  Is she a nurse?

—Yes, she is.   No, she isn’t.

  1. mechanic

—What’s his job?  Is he a mechanic?

— Yes, he is.  No, he isn’t.

小结 — Numbers


one person/one nurse/one air hostess

number one/page one/day one


two pens/two teachers/two students

number two/page two/day two


three nurses


four books/four teachers page four



six shirts



number eight

eight dresses/eight coats


nine cars/nine new students


听力训练(歌曲)– The little Indians

One little, two little, three little Indians

Four little, five little, six little Indians

Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians

Ten little Indian boys

One little, two little, three little Indians

Four little, five little, six little Indians

Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians

Ten little Indian boys

Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians

Seven little, six little, five little Indians

Four 1itt1e, three little, two little Indians

One little Indian boy

Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians

Seven little, six little, five little Indians

Four 1itt1e, three little, two little Indians

One little Indian boy

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