初级英语听力listen to this lesson 4

初级英语听力listen to this lesson 4

初级英语听力listen to this lesson 4

初级英语听力listen to this lesson 4音频材料


Lesson 4


Section 1

Dialogues 1:

Sophie: Here’s some coffee.

George: Oh, fantastic … er … is there any sugar? Sophie: Sugar … yes, of course … here you are. George: Thanks … er …

Sophie: What’s the matter now?

These: Er … are there any chocolate biscuits? Sophie: No, there aren’t.

George: Oh …


Dialogues 2:

Kathy: Where do you live? David: Near Victoria Station. Kathy: In a flat or a house?

David: In a flat. Houses are terribly expensive. Kathy: What’s your flat like?

David: It’s small and the building is old, but it’s comfortable. It’s very near my office.


Dialogues 3:

Christine: When did you buy that new necklace? Libby: I didn’t buy it. It was a present.

Christine: Oh, who gave it to you? Libby: A friend.

Christine: Anybody I know?

Libby: Don’t ask so many questions.


Dialogues 4:

Tom and Anna saw a film yesterday. Tom: It was exciting, wasn’t it?

Anna: Yes, it was.

Tom: Charles Bronson was good, wasn’t he? Anna: Yes, he always is.

Tom: I thought the girl was good too. Anna: Did you?


Section 2


  1. Conversation 1:

Eustace: What are you doing? Luanda: I’m packing.

Eustace: Why?

Luanda: Because I’m leaving. Eustace: You’re not.

Lucinda: Yes, I am. I’m catching the first train tomorrow. Instance: But, I …

Luanda: … and I’m not coming back. Eustace: Oh, oh … where are you going? Lucinda: To … to … Hawaii.

Eustace: Oh darling.


  1. Conversation 2:

Phillip: Excuse me, Mr. Jones. Can you help me? Mr. Jones: Of course. What’s the problem?

Pall: Well, I have to wear an overall but I can’t find one.

Mr. Jones: That’s easy. Why don’t you look in the cupboard besides the washbasin? You’ll find one there.


  1. Conversation 3: (sound of phone ringing)

Jean: 7824145. Jean Williamson speaking.

Tom: Oh, it’s you, Jean. Sorry I had to rush off this morning. How are the boys?

Jean: I’m taking them to the doctor at twelve o’clock, but I’m sure they’re going to be all right.

Tom: That’s good. What about you?

Jean: Oh, I’m fine now. I’m going to bake a birthday cake for tomorrow. And … I’ve got a camera for Peter and some records for Paul.

Tom: You spoil them. I’m going to open a savings account for them. They need to learn how to save money.


Section 3


Dictation. Dictation 1:

My grandfather lives with us. He is seventy years old and I like talking to him. Every day I go for a walk with him in the park. My grandfather has a dog. The dog’s name is Nelson. Nelson is old and he has very short legs and bad eyes. But my grandfather likes him very much.


Dictation 2:

I have a small black and white television and I can get a good picture. But my brother has got a color television. It is bigger, heavier and more complicated than mine. My brother gets a better picture on his television than I do on mine. So when there is something very good on TV, I usually go and see my brother.

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