
英语口语 Yaenglish 来源:Youtube linguamarina 4年前 (2020-10-10) 4211次浏览 1个评论






We can always choose between working harder or working smarter. Learning English is no exception, the more we practice the faster we can implement new techniques. Just put your mind into it and use these secrets to help you in the journey!



(1) Set yourself targets and have clear goals To maintain perspective and stay motivated you need to bear in mind why you’re doing what you’re doing. What are your targets? For example, being able to study in English, to learn a new language, etc. What are your goals? How long do you want to spend learning English, how will you know when you’ve got to a point that you’re happy with?

第一,为自己设定目标并有明确的目标,保持你的积极性,您需要牢记为什么要这么做以及你正在做什么。 你的目标是什么? 例如,能够学好英语,学习一门新语言等。您的目标是什么? 您想花多长时间学习英语?怎么能够确定自己到了一个自己满意的点?

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(2) Don’t read at first Audio and video are always better than books to study from as you can hear the right pronunciation. If you see new words in a book, it can be difficult to know how to say them. Usually this means your pronunciation will be really bad.

第二,不要一开始就大量阅读,音频和视频总是比学习书籍更好,因为你可以听到正确的发音。 如果你在书中看到新单词,可能很难知道该怎么去读。这就意味着你的发音会非常糟糕。

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(3) Don’t translate ‘word for word’ If you’re translating every single word that you hear into your native language then you’re really slowing your progress down. Instead, hone in on the words that you do understand and use all the contextual clues happening in the conversation, from gestures and facial expressions, through to any images or actions that are taking place at the same time.

第三,不要“逐字翻译”,如果您将听到的每个单词都翻译成中文,那么你的进度确实会变慢。 相反,请专注于您确实理解的单词,并使用对话中发生的所有上下文线索,从手势和面部表情,到同时发生的任何图像或动作来理解这句话的意义。

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(4) Forget about writing, You don’t need to learn to write. How much of your daily communication is speaking / listening? How much is reading / writing? That’s the same balance you should use when learning English.

第四,别再管英语写作了,你并不需要学习英语写作,你每天有多少沟通交流是在听或说?而读和写又占了多少? 在学习英语时应该保持同样的占比。

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(5) Take an online course, Taking an online course that can help to keep you focused as it gives you a reason to show up and concentrate on your learning. Pick a topic of your expertise and try to master your English in this field.

第五,参加在线课程,参加在线课程可以帮助您保持专注,因为这会让你有理由参加并专注于学习。 选择一个自己擅长的主题,并尝试掌握这个领域的相关英语。

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(6) Forget about perfect grammar, Perfect grammar is important if you plan to write in a language. For speaking a language fluently, it’s not as important. Learn the basics of sentence structure and that’s all you need.


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(7) Listen to everything, If you listen only in the context of strict grammar structures or words on their own then you’ll find it harder to progress. It’s far better to learn to understand phrases, as this is what will give you fluency. You can do this by listening to English films, TV, audiobooks and radio – you’ll be able to pick up on understanding actual English rather than book learning.

第七,听能听到一切内容,如果你仅是听那些在严格的语法结构或限定了上下文内容的单词及内容,那么你将很难有所进步。你应该学习理解短语,这会让你进步很快,英语变得更加流利。 你可以听英语电影,电视节目,有声读物和广播,这样你将能够从实际应用中理解英语而不再是书籍上的刻板英语。

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(8) Practice English every day, Motivation is want really matters! There are a wide range of podcasts and available applications online that can help you learn English quickly. Find what you like and practice every day.

第八,坚持每天练习英语真的很重要! 现在线上有各种各样的播客和英语学习程序,可以帮助您快速学习英语。找到自己喜欢的内容并每天练习。

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Time codes:

0:00 If you want to speak English like a native 如果你想你的英语像英语母语的人一样

0:57 You NEED to have clear goals 你需要有明确的目标

3:00 Why reading in English doesn’t help 为什么读英语没什么用?

4:05 Don’t translate “word for word” 不要逐字翻译

5:23 Why writing doesn’t help either 为什么英语写作也没什么用?

6:29 Become an expert in your area of expertise 在你擅长的领域成为专家

8:14 Forget about perfect grammar! Concentrate on this instead 忘掉完美语法而是更加注重这个

9:22 Replace reading with listening 多听而不是多读

9:44 Practice make perfect 多练习,熟能生巧。




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  1. 说的非常好,这个视频可以当练听力的材料,语速适当
    匿名2020-10-10 17:19 回复