
英语口语 Yaenglish 来源:Youtube linguamarina 4年前 (2020-09-08) 3062次浏览 1个评论







Time codes:

0:44 24/7

1:00 Butterflies in my stomach

1:15 Draw the line

1:46 Easier said than done

2:10 Every cloud has a silver lining

2:30 About “From Intermediate to Advanced” Course

3:41 Finding a needle in a haystack

4:07 Fish out of water

4:26 Go down in flames

4:43 Get something off your chest

5:05 Go the extra mile

5:26 Plain as day

5:52 Pull yourself together

6:08 Sick and tired

6:27 Sleep on it

6:50 Step up your game

7:09 Tip of the iceberg

7:31 You rock

7:41 Break a leg

7:50 Throw under the bus

8:10 Under the weather

8:33 Let’s play it by ear

8:52 Think outside the box

9:10 Challenge accepted

9:29 In the heat of the moment

9:49 Make a long story short



The main content you learned in this lesson:

“24/7”: Constantly going on.

“Butterflies in my stomach”: To be nervous in a good way.

“Draw the line”: to stop!

“Easier said than done”: Not easy as it appears to be.

“Every cloud has a silver lining”: Finding good in every bad situation.

“Finding a needle in a haystack”: Almost impossible to find.

“Fish out of the water”: To feel out of place.

“Go down in flames”: To fail suddenly and spectacularly.

“Get something off your chest”: To talk about something that has been bothering for a while.

“Go to the extra mile”: To make an extra effort.

“Plain as day”: Obvious, clear.

“Pull yourself together”: To calm down and behave normally.

“Sick and tired”: To be bothered and annoyed by something.

“Sleep on it”: To take an extra time before making a decision.

“Step up your game”: To start performing better.

“Tip of the iceberg”: to small easily visible part of larger problem.

“You rock”: An expression used to compliment someone on something.

“Break a leg”: Good luck.

“Throw under the bus”: To blame somebody for something.

“Under the weather”: felling ill, but not completely.

“Let’s play it by ear”: To act spontaneously and according to the situation.

“Think outside the box”: To think about something in a different way.

“Challenge accepted”: Is used when someone claims that something is impossible.

“In the heat of the moment”: Decision made in anger or passion.

“Make a long story short”: To cut the details and get to the point.

❤ That’s it!






25个老外常用的高级短语 1

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  1. 我是来看美女的
    匿名2020-09-16 11:16 回复