
11个老外自己都蒙圈的英语单词 1





It is really important to know the difference between American and British English. Sometimes, one word can have completely different meanings in the USA and the UK. For example, the word “rubber” in America is a slang term for a condom; in England, it has a much more innocent connotation: it’s simply the name given to a pencil eraser.

了解美式英语和英式英语之间的区别真的很重要。 有时,一个单词在美国和英国可能具有完全不同的含义。 例如,在美国,“rubber”一词是避孕套的意思。 而在英国,它的含义刚比较纯洁:就是橡皮。


Telling a British person that his pants got dirty could elicit some raised eyebrows. In America, of course, pants are clothing that covers you from your waist to your ankles. However, in England, the term “pants” is another word for “underwear.”



In America, the term “jumper” refers to a person who’s trying to commit suicide. In Great Britain, the word “jumper” is the name given to a knitted top, or, as it’s called in America: a sweater.



In the UK, a bum is a butt. In the US, a bum is often a homeless person.

在英国,bum指臀部。 在美国,bum则是无家可归的流浪汉。


“Dummy” may sound nice but in the USA it means an idiot. In the UK though, it means is a baby’s pacifier.

“Dummy”听起来不错,但是在美国,它意味着白痴。 而在英国,则指婴儿的奶嘴。


In the USA, to be pissed is to be angry. If a British person tells you they’re pissed, they’re drunk.



Who is a hooker? In American English, the term “hooker” refers to a prostitute. In British English, it is a specific position of a rugby player.

谁是妓女?在美式英语中,词语“hooker”是指妓女。 在英式英语中,“hooker”则是橄榄球运动员的特定位置。


In America, braces are used to straighten your teeth. In Great Britain, it is a pair of straps that hold up trousers, which are attached to the waist of the trousers and stretch over your shoulder

在美国,braces(牙套)用于拉直牙齿。 在英国,braces则是一条绑住裤子上的背带,用于连接裤子的腰部及肩膀部分。


“Fancy” as an adjective means posh, flashy. But if you use it as a verb in British English it is totally different: to fancy someone means to like someone.

“Fancy”作为形容词意味豪华,浮华。 但是,如果将其用作英式英语中的动词,则完全不同:Fancy某人就意味着喜欢某人。


In the United States, a bird is, well, an animal with feathers that tweets. In England, however, a bird is often used to describe a young female, similar to the way young women are referred to as “chicks” in the America.



In the USA, a bog is a marshy area of boggy land. In the UK, a bog is another name for a toilet.

在美国,a bog是沼泽地区的沼泽地。在英国,沼泽是厕所的别称。


Time codes:

0:00 Rubber

1:06 Pants

1:40 Jumper

2:13 Bum

2:31 Dummy

2:42 Pissed

2:56 What you’re doing wrong

4:04 Hooker

4:29 Braces

4:50 Fancy

5:21 Bird

5:45 Bog




11个老外自己都蒙圈的英语单词 2

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