
英语口语 Yaenglish 来源:Youtube linguamarina 4年前 (2020-10-16) 4742次浏览 0个评论




2020年最流行的英语俚语你知道吗?要是不知道这些俚语,在看YOUTUBE或是TIKTOK时你可能不太明白有些人在说什么?比如GOAT, 这可不是山羊的意思,而是表示有史以来最棒的,下面就一起来学习一些这15个2020年最流行的英语俚语吧。



1.Lit. When something is exciting, really enjoyable, you can say it’s “lit.”



2.GOAT. It is an acronym of Greatest Of All Time.

GOAT 是Greatest Of All Time的首字母缩写,意思是有史以来最棒的。


3.Snatched. When someone is wearing something that is very fashionable or has a look that looks really good.



4.On fleek. This can be used as a replacement for “on point,” meaning something has been perfectly done.

这个词可以用来代替”on point,” 表示某事完成的非常好。


5.Salty. You can say someone is salty when they get upset or angry over something.



6.Fit. Unlike the British version of the term “fit,” which means attractive, in the United States, “fit” is just the shortened version of the word “outfit”.

不像在英式英语中fit表示有吸引力的,在美国,fit 仅是outfit的缩写,意思是全套服装。


7.Dead. As slang, it means that something is so funny or ridiculously good it’s forced you to be hyperbolic.

Dead 作为俚语表示某事特别有趣好笑,这种情况你就可以用Dead.


8.Fire. It is used to refer to something that is really cool and amazing.

Fire, 用作俚语时通常表示非常酷或非常震惊的事。


9.Low-key. This can be used as a replacement for “quiet,” “modest,” “not very assertive.”

Low-key 通常用来代替 安静的, 谦虚的,不加断言的,翻译过来就是我们所说的低调。


10. High-key. It is the opposite of low-key.

High-key 与Low-key 相反,表示高调


11.Shady. When someone is very sneaky, suspicious, you can say that person is “shady”



12.Savage. This word is used as internet slang when describing a shocking event or a careless attitude.



13.Shook. When someone is shook it means they are shocked or incredibly surprised.

Shook 用来表示某人感觉非常震惊或是惊讶


14.Slay. To “slay” is to do really well or succeed at something.

Slay 表示在某事上做的非常好或是非常成功。


15.Stan. “Stan” can be a noun for an overzealous and obsessive fan, and a verb meaning to be that kind of fan. It originated from an Eminem song of the same name.

“ Stan”用作名词时表示狂热和痴迷的粉丝,而用作动词时则是成为这种狂热和痴迷粉丝。 它出自于同名的阿姆歌曲。




这15个2020年最流行的英语俚语你还不知道就OUT了 1

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