在friends第1季第1集中, Monica与酒吧调酒师Paul的约会给众人的生活掀起了小小的波澜。在约会的闲聊中, Paul向Monica讲述了自己被前任女友甩掉的遭遇,他的经历让Monica既吃惊又同情。在跟Paul有了一夜情之后,Monica沉浸在甜蜜的幸福之中。可没想到幸福转瞬即逝。第二天早上上班时,Monica从同事的口中得知原来Paul是专用谎言骗取女人跟他上床的爱情骗子……
[Scene: A Restaurant, Monica and Paul are eating.]
Monica: Oh my God! Paul: I know, I know, I’m such an idiot. I guess I should have caught on when she started going to the dentist four and five times a week. I mean, how clean can teeth get? Monica: My brother’s going through that right now, he’s such a mess. How did you get through it? Paul: Well, you might try accidentally breaking something valuable of hers, say her- Monica: -leg? Paul: (laughing) That’s one way! Me, I- I went for the watch. Monica: You actually broke her watch? Wow! The worst thing I ever did was, I-I shredded by boyfriend’s favorite bath towel.
在倾听Paul讲述自己被甩的经历时,Monica不时地发出Oh,my God!(天哪!)Wow!(哇!)的惊叹声。英语口语中类似表示惊叹的句子还有很多。如果某天突然遇到多年没有音信的老友,想必你也会这样惊叹道:For the love of Mike,I didn’t expect to meet you here!(老天爷!我做梦也没想到竞在这儿遇见你!)当然你也可以像Monica那样用Oh,my God!(天哪!)
Wow!(哇!),或用I can’t believe it!(真叫人难以置信!)My goodness!(天哪!)Oh,that’s incredible!(哦,简直不可思议!)What a surprise!(真出人意料!)Gee!(哎呀!)等等来表达你此时惊讶的心情。
记得前些日子与朋友聊起生活中的奇闻轶事。当听说有人活吞了一只老鼠时,朋友两眼圆睁,脱口而出:What,eat a rat alive?(什么!活吞一只老鼠?)类似的表达方式还有:Oh,no! How dreadful!(哦,不!太可怕了!)You must be kidding!(你一定是开玩笑!)Really?(真的吗?)It can’t be!(这不可能!)等等。
女友跟别人好上了,自己却浑然不知。Paul说:I’m such an idiot.(我真是个大白痴。)Monica由此想起了哥哥Ross由于跟同性恋的妻子分手而整日魂不守舍,便说:My brother’s going through that right now,he’s such a mess.(我哥哥正被此事所扰,他真是不可救药的大笨蛋。)mess一词在此并不是指我们通常所理解的脏或乱的状态,而是形容某个人是不可救药的傻瓜或笨蛋。比如说:Honey,I can never follow what you really mean.I’m a mess.意思是说:亲爱的,我总不能领会你的本意,我好混啊!
但就像我们一直所强调的那样,任何事都不能枉下论断。前几日正在陪宝宝玩耍的丈夫跑过来喊道:Come on,there’s a mess in our baby’s diapers.(快过来呀,宝宝在尿布上拉屎了。)如果此时你把mess理解成傻瓜,在别人眼里你岂不turn into a mess?(成了不可救药的蠢蛋?)关于mess一词的其他用法,请参考本书“5-24每个人都会紧张”这一单元。