裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 lesson 10

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 lesson 10

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 lesson 10 Not for Jazz


Lesson 10 Not for Jazz

一、单词讲解  New words and expressions

jazz   n.  爵士音乐

musical [‘mjuzɪkl]  adj.  音乐的

instrument  [‘ɪnstrəmənt]  n.  乐器

clavichord [‘klae vɪkɔrd]  n.  古钢琴

recently  [‘risntli]  adv.  最近

damage  [‘dae mɪdʒ]  v.  损坏

key  [ki:]  n.  琴键

string  [strɪŋ]  n.  (乐器的)弦

shock  [ʃɑk]  v.  使不悦或生气,震惊

allow [ə’laʊ]  v.  允许,让

touch  [tʌtʃ]  v.  触摸


jazz   n .爵士音乐 

classical music     古典音乐

folk music          民族音乐

country music        乡村音乐

pop (popular) music  流行音乐

play jazz         演奏爵士乐

例: They tried to play jazz on the piano.


rock and roll        摇滚乐

rap              拉普乐(说唱音乐)

musical          adj.  音乐的 

music [u] 不可数名词

a piece of music        一曲音乐

concert [c]             音乐会

musical adj.           音乐的

musician n.            音乐家

a music lesson          一堂音乐课

a music teacher          音乐老师

a music lover            音乐爱好者

a piece of music        一首音乐

face the music  面对失败;面对不愿面对而又不得不面对之事

a musical instrument     一个乐器

a musical performance     乐器表演

a musical score         乐谱

musical voice             美妙的声音


1) 器具,仪器

torture instruments     刑具   torture 折磨   [‘tɔ:tʃə]

operation instruments 手术器械

2 )乐器

musical instrument    乐器

—What kind of musical instrument can you play ?


—I can play the guitar.      我会弹吉他。

I can play the piano.       我会弹钢琴。

I can play the violin.      我会拉小提琴。

I can play the saxophone.    我会吹萨克斯风。

instrument 中的 -ment 是名词后缀

movement     移动   [‘mu:vmənt]

government   政府   [‘gʌvənmənt]

judgement     判断   [‘dʒʌdʒmənt]

argument    争论   [‘ɑ:gjumənt]

clavichord        n.          古钢琴 

recently       adv.    最近地 

lately        adv .    最近地


例: Recently it was damaged by a visitor.


They have recently bought a new car.


Have you seen him recently?  最近你见过他吗?

recent adj  . 最近的,最新的

例: In recent years, there have been great changes.


What is the most recent news ?       什么是最新的消息?

The photograph seemed quite recent .

这张照片看起来很新是最近照的 .

比较级: more recent

最高级: most recent

Damage     v.  损坏 

spoil     v.  损坏,惯坏,宠坏

damage     v.  部分损坏

destroy   v.  毁坏,彻底毁坏


1 )破坏

例: The rain spoiled our excursion.


2 )腐烂

例: The fish has spoiled in the heated room .


3 )溺爱

例: Spare the rod and spoil the child.


damage n [u] [c]

1 )损失 [u (不可数名词) ]

a lot of damage             许多损失

damage to sth                 对什么的损失

damage to the car           对车辆造成的损失

damage to crops               对庄稼造成的损失

damage to one’s reputation     对名誉造成的损失

2) damages 赔偿 [c]

damage v. 损坏

1) 部分损坏

break  折断              cut   剪,砍,割

crush   [krʌʃ]    压坏,捣坏   tear  撕

stain  弄脏,玷污

都包含在 damage 范围之内。

2 )损害

例: Smoking can damage your health .   抽烟损害你的健康 .

to damage relations between two countries


to damage one’s career  损害某人的职业

damage one’s good name  损害某人的好名誉

destroy v.  毁坏,粉碎(希望,计划等)

例: The fire destroyed the whole forest .


All my hopes were destroyed by his letter of refusal.


refusal  名词的拒绝

key  n.

1 )琴键

例: She struck the keys too hard.

She hit the keys too hard .


2 )钥匙

the key to the door          门的钥匙

the answer to the question    问题的答案

the entrance to the hall     大厅的入口

the train to London        通往伦敦的火车

to 表达有此及彼的方向性

key adj.  关键的,主要的

key structures      关键句型

1.Who is the key person in this class ?


Every student.     每一个学生都很关键。

a key question  一个关键问题

string   n.  (乐器的)弦 

1 )细绳(比 cord 细,比  thread 粗)

a piece of string  一条绳子

a ball of string  一卷绳子

2) (附在衣服等之上的)带子

apron strings     围裙带

3 )弦乐器

the string    弦乐器     violin   小提琴

mandolin    曼陀林     cello       大提琴

harp         竖琴        viola       中提琴

guitar     吉他      contrabass     低音弦乐器


clavichord     占钢琴(乐器)    piano       钢琴

organ       风琴            harpsichord  大键琴

都称为  instrument 。

woodwind     木管乐器       brass        铜管乐器

percussion     打击乐器

4 )一串…,一系列…

a string of necklace      一串项链

a string of pearls         一串珍珠

a string of visitors     一系列的来访者

a string of wins       一系列的胜利

tied to one’s wife’s apron strings

(深受)妻子影响及控制( sl.)

harp on one string          旧调重弹

have a person on a string  (口)任意支配某人

shock  v. 使 不悦或生气,震惊 

shocking                 adj.  令人震惊的

shocked                adj.  感到震惊的

be surprised              对…感到惊讶(中性)

be shocked                震惊(贬)

be astonished               目瞪口呆,傻了

be surprised at/by sth      对什么感到吃惊

be shocked at/by sth .        对什么感到震惊

be astonished at/by sth.   对什么感到目瞪口呆

surprise  n.

以 surprise 为例:

例: Mary’s birthday is coming. I’ll give her a surprise.


a surprise party  一个意外的聚会

to one’s surprise  令某人吃惊的是

allow     v.  允许,让(非正式用语) 

permit     v.  [pəˈmit]  允许,让〔法律条文规定,正式用语)

[ˈpəmit] 通行证

1) allow doing…  允许做某事

例: We don’t allow smoking .   我们不允许吸烟。

2) allow sb to do…  允许某人做某事

例: My mean boss doesn’t allow me to use the telephone.


allow yourself to make mistakes   允许自己发错误

3 )授予人…

例: He allows his son too much money .他给孩子太多的钱了。

allowance n  津贴,补助,零用钱 (Am.)

例: make an allowance of 5% for cash payment

付现金的话打 9.5 折(付现金的话优惠 95%)

make allowance for    考虑到

touch  v. 触摸

touch-me-not             凤仙花

forget-me-not           勿忘我

例: Don’t touch me.     别碰我

Don’t touch that dish. It’s very hot.



类似的词有 sound/taste/look

touched /moved/excited    感动的(主语多是人)

touching/moving/exciting  令人感动的(主语多是物)

touch stone    试金石

a near touch    千钧一发

in touch      保持联系

out of touch   失去联系

二、关键句型  Key Structures


1 、构成:由系动词 be+ 过去分词构成,时态通过 be 表现出来。


例: People make history .   人民创造历史。

History is made by the people.  历史被人民创造。


例: They completed the building last year.


When was the building completed ?


例: They won’t allow you to take so much luggage with you.


You won’t be allowed to take so much luggage with you .



例: They are building a new railway.


A new railway is being built .   一条新的铁路正在被修建。


例: They were widening the roads.  他们正在拓宽马路。

The roads were being widened.    马路正在被拓宽。


例: They have redesigned the aircraft .


The aircraft has been redesigned.  飞机被重新设计了。


例: The factory had reduced production costs.


Production costs had been greatly reduced.


2 、被动语态与主动语态的区分

主动:施动者 + 谓语 + 受动者

被动:受动者 + be + v .过去分词 + ( by+  施动者)



例: Prisoners of war built this bridge in 1942 .

战俘在 1942 年修建这座桥

The bridge was built in 1942 (by prisoners of war).


l) We have an old musical instrument. We call it a clavichord.


We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord.


2) Someone made the machine in Germany in 1681 .

有人于 1681 在德国制作了这架机器。

The machine was made (by someone) in Germany in 1681 .

这架机器在 1681 年被制造。

3) a student-composed song     由学生所作曲的一首歌

4) Everybody respected them at that time.


They were respected by everybody at that time.




三、   课文讲解  Text

We have an old musical instrument.  

have  有,拥有

例: I have many friends.  我有许多朋友。


have 是一个很活跃的词,有很多意思。

have breakfast      吃早饭        have a fever         发烧

have a good time     玩得高兴   have a headache     头疼

have a running nose  流鼻涕   have a swollen face  脸浮肿

have sth done             有别人做某事

have something to do with  与什么有关系

have nothing to do with    与什么没关系

have anything to do with  与什么事情有任何关联

have to do sth           不得去做某事

It is called a clavichord .  

主被动之间替换: We call it a clavichord.

It was made in Germany in 1681 .

be made in   +   地点   表示产地

+  时间   表示制作于某时

be made of(a material)  由什么做成(表示仍能看出原材料)

例: The tea pot is made of silver.   这个茶壶是银做的。

be made from (one or a number of materials)


例; Glass is made from sand and lime .


This sweater is made from wool.       毛衫是由羊毛做成的。

be made by sb    被…制造

例: This cake was made by my sister.


be made for  为 … 做的

例: This cake was made for you .     这个蛋糕是为你做的。

Our clavichord is kept in the living room.  

living room  起居室

( room in a private house for general use during the daytime)

sitting room (Br.)=living room  起居室

We keep our clavichord in the living room .  

It has belonged to our family for a long time.

belong to 属于(无被动)

类似的词还有:    happen

take place

have ( 有 )

The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago.  

My grandfather bought it many years ago.


Recently it was damaged by a visitor . 

Recently a visitor damaged it.


She tried to play jazz on it! She struck the too hard and two of the strings were broken.

too  太,过头(贬)

例: You think too much .      你想得太多了。

例: You work too hard .       你工作得太努力了。


break vt.

例: She broke two strings .   她弄断两根弦。

She fell and nearly broke her neck .   她摔倒了,摔坏了脖子。

broken  adj. 断了的,破了的

例: The glass is broken .   玻璃碎了。

The book is broken .      这本书太破了。

The strings were broken.  琴弦断了。

My father was shocked .    

Now we are not allowed to touch it.     

Now my father does not allow us to touch it.


It is being repaired by a friends of my father’s . 

A friend of my father’s is repairing it.


A friend of my father’s          ( 双重所有格)

one of my father’s friends        我父亲的一个朋友

例: Tom lent me one of his books.  汤姆借我一本书

Tom lent me a book of his        汤姆借给我一本书

He is one of my friends .         他是我的一个朋友

He is a friend of mine .         他是我的一个朋友

Special Difficulties-make

be made in         表制造于某地或某时

be made of         表能看出原材料

be made from       表看不出原材料

made by sb        表示制造人

made for       为了谁而制造

1) Is your watch made be made of gold ?


2) These knives were made be made in Sheffield .


3)   This cake was made be made from sugar, flour, butter and eggs.



a friend of my father’s          我父亲的一个朋友。

one of my father’s friends        我父亲的一个朋友。

1) He borrowed one of my records  他借了我的一本磁带。

He borrowed a record of mine .      他借了我的一本磁带。

2) She showed me one of John’s pictures .


She showed me a picture of John’s


3) It was one of her ideas .   这是他的一个主意。

It was a idea of hers .       这是他的一个主意。

4) One of your letters was found on my desk .


A of your letters was found on my desk.


5) Some of their friends came to see me .


Some friends of theirs came to see me .



四、练习   Exercises

l) We are not allowed to touch it. We ____ touch it .


A mustn’t   B mustn’t to   C haven’t to   D don’t have to

分析: B 千万不要,后面只能加动词原形;

C 不合乎语法; D 合乎语法,但意思上不合乎题意;

A 不要做某事,千万不要做某平,合乎语法,含义也正确;

答案是: A

2) The visitor damaged it She____ it.


A hurt B pained C broke D destroyed

分析: A 伤害,使伤心,一般指精神上的、情感上的或指对身体


B 是疼痛,使痛苦; D 毁坏,摧毁建筑物等; C 打碎,损坏。

答案是: C

3) Recently it was damaged. She damaged it ____.


A late B lastly   C lately   D finally

分析: A 迟,晚;  B 最后;  D 最后,最终;  C  最近。

答案是: C

4)You have to pass the professional examinations to be ____to the



A allowed   B permitted  C admitted  D submitted

分析: A 允许;    B  许可,允许,准许;    C 承认;

D  服从,顺从,提交,递交。

答案是: C


五、复习 Review

Key Structure:


was/were+ v. ed

例: This bridge was built in 1942.

The bridge was built in 1942. 这座桥在 1942 年被修建了。

main points:

music       音乐          classical music   古典音乐

folk music    民族音乐     country music      乡村音乐

pop (popular) music 流行音乐    key to the door  门的钥匙

key structure    关键句型

be surprised  at 对 … 感到惊讶(中性)

be shocked   at  对 … 感到震惊(贬)

be astonished     对…感到目瞪口呆,傻了

be surprised at/by sth        对 … 感到震惊

be shocked be astonished      对 … 感到震惊

be astonished be astonished  对 … 感到目瞪口呆

touch     v. 触摸

touch smooth         摸起来很光滑

you think too hard   你想的太多了

be broken          被弄断了,被弄折了

be made in             + 地点   表示产地

+ 时间   表示制作于某时

be made of           由什么做成(表示仍能看出原材料)

be made from         表示已经看不出原材料

be made by sb        被…所制造的

a friend of mine    我的一个朋友

one of my friends    我的一个朋友




1)a layer of  一层

例: He wrapped each component on several layers of foam



2)a lot of 许多

例: A lot of rain fell in Scotland last night.


[ 用法 ] 可修饰可数名词或不可数名词





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