
英语口语 Yaenglish 来源:Youtube linguamarina 4年前 (2020-10-17) 5355次浏览 1个评论

英语中这些被用烂的词你还在用吗? 1



不知道大家有没有发现,不论是我们用英语进行日常对话,还是写英语作文时,我们一说重要时,用的一定是important, 看什么一定是see, 新东西一定是new, 这些词已经被用烂了,今天就看看都有哪些词可以替换他们,让你的句子也好口语也好显得更加高大上。





Today, I am going to teach you what are some overused words in English and what are the alternatives that you can use to sound more like a native speaker.



LIKE. I’m not talking about the filler word “like,” as in, “I want, like, go skating.” I’m talking about the verb, ‘like’. You can use ‘admire’, ‘adore’, ‘cherish’, ‘fancy’ instead.

这里的LIKE不是表示“像”这个意思,而表示喜欢时,你可以用’admire’, ‘adore’, ‘cherish’, ‘fancy’ 这几个词代替。


IMPORTANT. If you want to identify some detail or idea as important, alternate possibilities you might use incorporate ‘significant’, ‘vital’, ‘critical’, ‘imperative’ and ‘essential’.

如果你想表达什么事情或是想法非常重要时,你可以用‘significant’, ‘vital’, ‘critical’, ‘imperative’ and ‘essential’.代替。


NEW. This word is used over and over again in English. For example, you can replace it with ‘updated’ or ‘modern’.

NEW这个词在英语中真的是用烂了,你可以用’updated’ or ‘modern’来替代它。


REALLY. Think of it this way: If you’re saying something is “really” tall, you’re missing the mark. How tall is it? Quantify it. If something has “really” improved, readers want to know how much. Qualify it.

这样理解,如果你说某个事物非常高时,你漏掉了重点,那就是到底有多高?你需要量化它。 你如果说做某事有了明显的进步,但是读者们却不知道进步了多少,有什么改变,所以量化它。


AND. Typically overused by being placed multiple times in the same sentence. Simply break up the sentence into multiple sentences or replace the conjunction with the words ‘moreover’ or ‘in addition to’.

AND. 非常典型的在一句话中反复使用的词语。其实这种情况最简单的做法就是把这句话拆分成多个句子来说,或是用其它的连词如’moreover’ 或’in addition to’来代替and。


INTERESTING. This word is widely used and you can replace it with ‘cool’, ‘mesmerizing’.

INTERESTING.这个词用的非常多,你可以用’cool’, ‘mesmerizing’来替代。


GOOD. People consider this word as an average compliment. Replace it with ‘amazing’, ‘fascinating’, ‘mesmerizing’, ‘impressive’

GOOD. 人们认为这是用来表示赞美的词。你可以用’amazing’, ‘fascinating’, ‘mesmerizing’, ‘impressive’来代替它。


SMART. A smart person has probably been called ‘smart’ countless times, but how many times have they been called ‘wise’ or ‘ingenious’? Use these alternatives instead of overused ‘smart’

SMART.一个很聪明的人可能被叫了无数次smart, 但却很少听到人们用wise 或 ingenious. 所以试下用’wise’ 和 ‘ingenious’替换smart.


EXPLAIN. It’s common to say that you’re going to ‘explain’ something in your essay or speech. Other options here include ‘clarify’, ‘elaborate’.

EXPLAIN. 你在论文或是演讲时通常会说,我来解释一下…,这时你可以用‘clarify’, ‘elaborate’ 来替换。


THING. Instead of this word you can use ‘concept’ but make sure you use it correctly. This is one of many synonyms you can use.

THING, 你可以用’concept’来替代这个词,但是一定要确保意义正确。其实能替换的词有很多,concept只是其中一个。


SEE. There are so many alternatives that you can use! The most common ones are ‘glimpse’, ‘stare’, ‘observe’, ‘notice’.

SEE. 有太多的词可以替换see了,比如’glimpse’, ‘stare’, ‘observe’, ‘notice’.


ALSO. This one and “and” are overused. The word ‘also’ is great for connecting two related sentences but you might need a few alternatives in a longer essay (‘furthermore’, ‘moreover’, ‘in addition’)

ALSO. 这个词和AND 一样都被用烂了。通常also用来连接两个相关的句子,你可以用‘furthermore’, ‘moreover’, ‘in addition’来替代。


CHANGE. Possible replacements for the verb ‘change’ include ‘transform’, ‘modify’ and ‘adjust’.

CHANGE. 可以替换change的词有‘transform’, ‘modify’ ‘adjust’.


SAID. If you’re quoting several sources, you might find yourself using ‘said’ or ‘says’ a lot. To prevent repetition, try using these alternatives: ‘claimed’, ‘stated’, ‘declared’, ‘argued’, ‘suggested’, ‘explained’.

SAID. 如果你在表达中使用了多次引用内容,那么你可能会使用很多‘said’ 或 ‘says’, 为了避免重复,你可以用’claimed’, ‘stated’, ‘declared’, ‘argued’, ‘suggested’, ‘explained’这些词来替换。



Time codes:

1:01 #1 Like

1:55 #2 Important

2:57 #3 New

3:31 #4 Really

4:02 How you can diversify your speech

4:25 About Blinkist

5:38 #5 And

6:29 #6 Interesting

7:25 #7 Good

8:04 #8 Smart

8:48 #9 Explain

9:18 #10 Thing

9:52 #11 See

10:37 #12 Also

11:02 #13 Change

11:34 #14 Said

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