



keelage 入港税,停泊税
land holding tax 地产税
land tax 土地税
land use tax 土地使用税
land value increment tax 地价增值税
land value tax 地价税
landing tax 入境税
legacy tax/duty  遗产税
license tax 牌照税,执照税
liquidation tax 清算所得税
liquor tax 酒税
livestock transaction/trade tax 牲畜交易税
local benefit tax 地方收益税
local entertainment tax 地方娱乐税,地方筵席税
local improvement tax 地方改良税
local income tax 地方所得税
local inhabitant tax 地方居民税
local road tax’ 地方公路税
local surcharge 地方附加
local surtax 地方附加税
local taxes/duties 地方各税
luxury(goods) tax 奢侈品税
manufacturer’s excise tax 生产者消费税
mine area/lot tax mine tax(mineral product tax)  矿区税
mineral exploitation tax 矿产税
mining tax 矿业税
motor fuel tax 机动车燃料税
motor vehicle tonnage tax 汽车吨位税
municipal inhabitants tax 市镇居民税
municipal locality tax 市地方税
municipal tax市政税
municipal trade tax 城市交易税
negotiable note tax 有价证券税
net worth tax 资产净值税
nuisance tax 小额消费品税
object tax 目的税
objective tax 专用税
occupancy tax占用税
occupation tax 开业税
occupier’s tax 农民所得税
oil duties 石油进口税
organization tax 开办税
outlay tax 购货支出税
passenger duty 客运税
pavage 筑路税
payroll tax 薪金工资税
personal expenditures tax 个人消费支出税
petrol duties 汽油税
petroleum revenue tax 石油收益税
pier tax 码头税
plate tax 牌照税
poll tax 人头税
poor rate 贫民救济税
port toll/duty 港口税,入港税
premium tax 保险费税
probate duty 遗嘱认证税
processing tax 加工商品税
product tax 产品税
profit tax 利润税
profit-seeking enterprise income tax 营利企业所得税
progressive income tax 累进所得税
progressive inheritance tax  累进遗产税
property tax 财产税
public utility tax 公用事业税
purchase tax 购买税
real estate tax 不动产税
real estate transfer tax 不动产转让税
real property acquisition tax 不动产购置税
receipts tax 收入税
recreation tax 娱乐税
registration and license tax 登记及执照税
registration tax  注册税
regulation tax  调节税
remittance tax 汇出税
resident tax 居民税
resource tax 资源税
retail excise tax 零售消费税
retail sales tax 零售营业税
retaliatory tariff 报复性关税
revenue tax/duty 营业收入税
river dues  内河税
rural land tax农业土地税,田赋
rural open fair tax农村集市交易税
salaries tax 薪金税
sales tax  营业税,销售税
salt tax 盐税
scot and lot 英国教区税
seabed mining tax  海底矿产税
securities exchange tax 证券交易税
securities issue tax 证券发行税
securities transfer /transaction tax 证券转让税
selective employment tax 对一定行业课征的营业税
selective sales tax 对一定范围课征的营业税
self-employment tax 从业税
service tax 劳务税
settlement estate duty 遗产税
severance tax 开采税,采掘熟
shipping tax 船舶税
slaughtering tax 屠宰税
social security tax 社会保险税
special commodity sales tax 特殊商品销售税
special fuel oil tax 烧油特别税
special land holding tax特种土地税
special motor fuel retailers tax  汽车特种燃料零售商税
special purpose tax 特种目的税
special sales tax  特种销售税,特种经营税
special tonnage tax/duty 特别吨位税
spirit duty 烈酒税
split tax 股本分散转移税
stamp tax 印花税
state income tax 州所得税
state unemployment insurance tax 州失业保险税
state-owned enterprise bonus tax 国营企业奖金熟
state-owned enterprise income tax 国营企业所得税
state-owned enterprise regulation tax 国企营业调节税
state-owned enterprise wages regulation tax 国营企业工资调节税
stock transfer tax 股票交易税
stock-holders income tax股票所有者所得税
succession tax 继承税,遗产税
sugar excise tax 糖类消费税
sumptuary tax 奢侈取缔税
super tax 附加税
supplementary income tax 补充所得税
target job tax 临时工收入税
tariff equalization tax 平衡关税
tariff for bargaining purpose 谈判目的的关税
tariff for military security  军事按关税
tariff 关税
tax for the examination of deed 契约检验税
tax of energy resource 能源税
tax on aggregate income  综合所得税
tax on agriculture 农业税
tax on alcohol and alcoholic liquors 酒精饮料税
tax on bank note 银行券发行税
tax on beer 啤酒税
tax on business 企业税
tax on capital gain 资本利得税
tax on communication 交通税
tax on consumption at hotel and restaurant  旅馆酒店消费税
tax on deposit  股息税
tax on dividends 契税
tax on earning from employment 雇佣收入税
tax on enterprise 企业税
tax on goods and possessions 货物急财产税
tax on house 房屋税
tax on income and profit 所得及利润税
tax on income from movable capital 动产所得税
tax on land and building 土地房产税
tax on land revenue 土地收入税
tax on land value 地价税
tax on luxury 奢侈品税
tax on mine 矿税
tax on pari-mutuels  赛马税,赌博税
tax on produce 产品税
tax on property paid to local authority for local purpose 由地方征收使用的财产税
tax on property 财产税
tax on receipts from public enterprises 公营企业收入税
tax on revaluation 资产重估税
tax on sale and turnover 货物销售及周转税
tax on sale of property 财产出让税
tax on specific products 特种产品税
tax on stalls 摊贩税
tax on the acquisition of immovable property tax 不动产购置税
tax on the occupancy or use of business property  营业资产占有或使用税
tax on transaction (tax on transfer of goods) 商品交易税
tax on transfer of property 财产转移税
tax on transport 运输税
tax on undistributed profit 未分配利润税
tax on urban land 城市地产税
tax on value add 增值税ed
tea duty 茶叶税
television duty 电视税
timber delivery tax 木材交易税
tobacco consumption tax 烟草消费税
toll turn 英国的牲畜市场税
toll(toll on transit) 通行税
tonnage duty (tonnage dues) 吨位税,船税
tourist tax(travel tax) 旅游税
trade tax 贸易税
transaction tax 交易税
transfer tax 证券过户税,证券交易税
transit dues  过境税,转口税
turnover tax 周转税,流通税
undertaking unit bonus 事业单位奖金税
unemployment compensation tax 州失业补助税
unemployment insurance tax 失业保险税
unemployment tax 失业税
unemployment tax 州失业税
unified income tax 统一所得税
unified transfer tax 财产转移统一税
unitary income tax 综合所得税
unused land tax 土地闲置熟
urban house tax 城市房产税
urban house-land tax 城市房地产水
urban maintenance and construction tax 城市维护建设税
urban real estate tax 城市房地产税
use tax 使用税
users tax 使用人头税
utility tax 公用事业税
vacant land tax 土地闲置税
value added tax 增值税
variable levy 差额税,差价税
vehicle and vessel license-plate tax 车船牌照税
vehicle and vessel use tax  车船使用税
wages regulation tax 工资调节税
wages tax 工资税
war profit tax 战时利润税
water utilization tax 水利受益税
wealth /worth tax 财富税
whisky tax 威士忌酒税
windfall profit tax  暴利税
window tax 窗税
wine and tobacco tax 烟酒税
wine duty 酒税
withholding income tax  预提所得税
withholding tax 预提税
yield tax 收益税




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