


税收英语词汇(tax words)
Admission tax 通行税,入场税
advertisement tax 广告税
agricultural(animal husbandry) tax 农(牧)业税
alcohol tax 酒精税
all-phase transaction tax 全阶段交易税
amusement tax 娱乐税
anchorage dues 停泊税
anti-dumping duty 反倾销税
anti-profiteering tax 暴力税
anti-subsidy/bounty/duty 反补贴税
assimilation tax 入籍税
automobile acquisition tax 汽车购置税
aviation fuel tax 航空燃料税
bazaar transaction 市场交易税
benefit tax 受益税
betterment tax 改良税
beverage tax 饮料税
bonus tax 奖金税
border tax 边境税
bourse tax 证券交易所税
bourse transaction tax(securities exchange tax) 有价证券交易税
building tax 建筑税
business consolidated tax 综合营业税
business income tax 营利所得税
business profit tax 营业利润税
business receipts tax 营业收入税
business tax 营业税
canal dues/tolls 运河通行税
capital gain tax 财产收益税
capital interest tax 资本利息税
capital levy 资本税
capital transfer tax 资本转移税
capitation tax 人头税
car license 汽车执照税
car tax 汽车税
church tax 教堂税
circulation tax 流通税
city planning tax 城市规划税
collective-owned enterprise income tax 集体企业奖金税
collective-owned enterprise income tax 集体企业所得税
commercial business tax 商业营业税
commodity circulation tax 商业流通税
commodity excise tax 商品国内消费税
commodity tax 货物税
company income tax 公司所得税
compensating tariff 补偿关税
comprehensive income t ax 综合所得税
consolidated tax 综合税
consumption tax 消费税
contingent duty 应变关税
contract tax 契约税
corn duty 谷物税
corporate income tax 法人所得税
corporate inhabitant tax 法人居民税
corporate licensing tax 公司执照税
corporate profit tax 公司利润税
corporation franchise tax 法人登记税
corporation tax 公司税,法人税
coupon tax 息票利息税
customs duties 关税
death duty 遗产税
deed tax  契税
defense surtax 防卫附加税
defense tax 国防税
development land tax 改良土地税
development tax 开发税
direct consumption tax 直接消费税
dividend tax 股息税
document tax 凭证熟
domestic rates  住宅税
donation tax 赠与税
earmarked tax 专用目的税
earned income tax 劳物所得税
easement tax 地役权税
education duty 教育税
electricity and gas tax 电力煤气税
emergency import duties 临时进口税
emergency special tax 非常特别税
emergency tariff 非常关税
employment tax 就业税
enterprise income tax 企业所得税
entertainment tax 娱乐税,筵席税
entrepot duty 转口税
environmental tax 环境税
equalization charge/duty 平衡税
estate tax 遗产税,地产税
examination of deed tax 验契税
excess profit tax 超额利润税
excessive profit tax 过分利得税
exchange tax 外汇税
excise on eating, drinking and lodging 饮食旅店业消费税
excise tax 国内消费税
expenditure tax 消费支出税
export duty(export tax)  出口税
extra duties 特税
extra tax on profit increased 利润增长额特别税
facilities services tax 设施和服务税
factory tax 出厂税
farm tax 田赋税
feast tax 筵席税
fixed assets betterment tax 固定资产改良税
fixed assets tax 固定资产税
foreign enterprise tax 外国公司税
foreign personal holding company tax 外国私人控股公司税
franchise tax 特许权税
freight tax 运费税
frontier tax 国境税
gas tax 天然气税
gasoline tax 汽油税
general excise tax 普通消费税,一般消费税
general property tax 一般财产税
general sales tax 一般销售税
gift and estate tax 赠与及财产税
gift tax 赠与税
good tax 货物税
graduated income tax 分级所得税
gross receipts tax 收入税
harbor tax 港口税
head tax/money 人头税
highway hole tax 公路隧道通行税
highway maintenance 养路税
highway motor vehicle use tax 公路车辆使用税
highway tax 公路税
highway user tax 公路使用税
house and land tax 房地产税
house(property) tax 房产税
household tax 户税
hunter’s license tax 狩猎执照税
hunting tax 狩猎税
immovable property tax 不动产税
import duty  进口关税
import surcharge/surtax 进口附加税
import tax 进口税
import turnover tax 进口商品流转税
impost 进口关税
incidental duties 杂捐
income tax of urban and rural self-employed industrial and commercial
household 城乡个体工商业户所得税
income tax 所得税
incorporate tax 法人税
increment tax on land value 土地增值税
indirect consumption tax 间接消费税
indirect tax 间接税
individual inhabitant tax 个人居民税
individual/personal income tax 个人所得税
industrial-commercial consolidated/unified tax 工商统一税
industrial-commercial income tax 工商所得税
industrial-commercial tax 工商税
inhabitant income tax 居民所得税
inheritance tax 遗产税,继承税
insurance tax 保险税
interest equilibrium tax 利息平衡税
interest income tax 利息所得税
interest tax 利息税
internal revenue tax 国内收入税
internal taxation of commodities 国内商品税
internal taxes 国内税
investment surcharge 投资收入附加税
irregular tax(miscellaneous taxes) 杂税
issue tax 证券发行税
joint venture with Chinese and foreign investment income tax 中外合资经营企业所得税




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