



在学习英语的过程中,有很多同学会对英语介词的to和for分不清楚,不知道什么时候用to什么时候又该用for, 今天我们就和美女Marina来学习一下到底在什么情况下用to,而又该在什么情况下用for吧



Hey guys! Welcome to Linguamarina channel! The topic for today’s video is ‘TO vs. FOR’. When do we use ‘to’ and when do we use ‘for’?


The first thing that we’re going to do is to talk about when we use ‘to’.


  1. Destination.

Use ‘to’ when there is some kind of transfer happening or something is being moved from one place to another.


  1. Time.

We use ‘to’ in telling the time when we refer to the number of minutes before the hour. We can use ‘to’ with the meaning of ‘until’ when we are talking about time. We often use it in the expression “from … to …”


  1. We use ‘to’ when we compare something.


  1. Receiver of an action. We use ‘to’ with verbs such as ‘give’, ‘hand’, ‘send’, ‘write’, to indicate the person or thing that receives or experiences the object of the verb.


  1. To express a reason (with a verb). Use ‘to’ when you are trying to express purpose or the reason that something is happening.


Let’s move on to talking about ‘for’.


  1. Benefits.

Use ‘for’ when something is being done to benefit something or someone else.


  1. Period of time.

Use ‘for’ to indicate time or duration.


  1. Schedule.

Use ‘for’ to mention a specific time, day, etc.


  1. To express a reason (with a noun).

Use ‘for’ when you are trying to express purpose or the reason that something is happening.


  1. Purpose of something.

We use ‘for’ to talk about the purpose of something.


Time codes:

0:31 When to use ‘TO’

2:40 When to use ‘FOR’

4:43 About Blinkist

6:16 When both ‘TO’ and ‘FOR’ can be used

7:29 Most used collocations

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